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Checking version compatibility

For the first several years of dbt Core's development, breaking changes were more common. For this reason, we encouraged setting dbt version requirements especially if they use features that are newer or which may break in future versions of dbt Core. By default, if you run a project with an incompatible dbt version, dbt will raise an error.

You can use the VERSION_CHECK config to disable this check and suppress the error message:

dbt --no-version-check run
Running with dbt=1.0.0
Found 13 models, 2 tests, 1 archives, 0 analyses, 204 macros, 2 operations....

Starting in 2024, when you select Versionless in dbt Cloud, dbt will ignore the require-dbt-version config. Refer to Versionless for more details.

dbt Labs is committed to zero breaking changes for code in dbt projects, with ongoing releases to dbt Cloud and new versions of dbt Core. We also recommend these best practices:

 Installing dbt packages
 Maintaining dbt packages